Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Now and Later

The computer is an alternative window to the outside world. It gives people the option to live their lives through the acted lives of people on screen and also gives them the ability to obtain information faster than ever before. Sometimes I look at this window as an escape for a better life and in return taking for granted the life that I have and the world around me.

I find my life to stressful to face at times and sometimes so overwhelming that I could barely breath. I am very tired of running on this treadmill of life that doesn't stop. Sometimes I wish that I could just jump off and take a break but life doesn't work like that. It keeps going no matter what.

School is about the start again and as I had anticipated the summer has flown by like a flash. I have to keep in mind for this year that teaching is not my life and life doesn't stop because work starts. I need to try my best to keep living. I need to learn to deal with the things that stresses me out and make the most of my every day because I only get this year once then I have to move on to the next. That is the beauty and the pain of life. Things come and go just like time come and passes. The most we can do is make the most out of it.