Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Terminal

You think that after 6 months of living together she would actually miss me and be excited to be back. But she has somehow grown and changed over the past four days. It's amazing what time can do. I guess in this case, distance did not make the heart grow fonder. Instead, it just made us grow apart. I can see now that after a few more weeks, she wouldn't even want to stay over anymore.

There was so much drama today with my nephew. He had brought a friend from buffalo and wanted to leave him here while he stayed with his girlfriend. He got angry at me because I told him that there was no space for his friend and left.

A person's home is a person's heart. I have let so many people into my heart and they have come and gone without any consideration as to how I feel. They take advantage of the fact that my mother also lives here and they see it more as a place where they can come and go as they please. No invitation needed, it is all in their own terms. I am tired of this madness. I am tired of having to set my time aside for these people that will eventually leave me cold and dry at the end.

It's time for me to find my own life.

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