Thursday, January 13, 2011

Life in the City...

Today I got yelled at twice while taking public transit. Once while I was on my way to work, a guy almost ran into me and yelled, "get out of my way lady." Even though I had apologized right before he said that. Then another time on my way home from work, a guy was trying to get out of the train and said "move it, don't you know how to get out of the way, stupid." I have never felt so little ever since I got out of elementary school. People really do make you feel like crap sometime.
Life in the city is not as beautiful and glamorous as it seems in the movies. Often times it consist of getting pushed around and yelled at. You are consisting followed by the fumes of pollution and waste. And often have to go into areas that are over populated by people. On top of that, the living conditions are not so great either. But this is for the middle to lower class people.
However, when you start making enough money then you can start taking cabs to work and live in more spacious apartments and walk on cleaner and nicer streets. Perhaps it's for the rich or the fortunate that things are so much nicer. I really wonder if I will one day get there. But I know right now it won't be possible being a single public school teacher.
I've always wished for a comfortable and stable life and to be able to share it with someone. However, for the past few years in the city, I've been able to share it with someone but nothing seems fulfilled or complete. In fact, life almost seems as if it is on a stand still.
There are so many dimensions to life and it's hard to discuss all the issues. If I was to discuss all the issues correctly I would have to first explain each aspect of life and how one relates to the other. Then I will discuss the issues at hand and how they impact each other. Even though all the problems may appear the same, they all have their subtle differences and only people who care would tolerate and notice them.
It's a shame how life can be so difficult.

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