Thursday, January 6, 2011

Working hard for a better life....

I've been taught since I was a little girl that good things come to those people who work hard. Also if you want an easier life, you must work hard for it. I feel that growing up I've worked very hard and had tried my best to keep up with it. Sometimes to the extent that I gave up certain opportunities and overlooks possible options in my life because I wanted to do "the right thing."
However, I've been feel like I have been slacking off lately. Not because I'm not doing anything, but because I feel as if I have accomplished nothing.
Lately I've feel as if my life is stuck in a rut. I don't really know what I want to do anymore and is lacking goals. I live in an apartment in which I do not feel secure in. I board with a few families of rats and cockroaches. And even though I take care of rent I don't even have a kitchen of my own. The house is filled with so many random things and it's hard for me to get rid of things and to clear out space to feel clearer in my life.

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